Kiss without shame, for she desires it.

Under the influence of patriarchy,women are often viewed as serving men,with females predominantly occupying subordinate positions.Men "own" women and rule overthem.Throughout history, patriarchy has enjoyed steadfast support from religious,political institutions,and culture.Freud even asserted that women should be passive in sexual activity rather than actively participating. He argued against female masturbation,deeming it a male activity.
Sexual euphoria should shift from clit to vagina,an insensitive organ that can be forgotten.But he never demanded similar feats from men——For example,shifting the site of Orgasm from penis to scrotum——Such ideas never crossed Freud's mind.He overlooked the fact that clit is the anatomical counterpart of penis.He disregarded the fact that clit is the anatomical counterpart of penis,thus making it the natural site for orgasm to occur. He believed,"Male sexual cells are active, female sexual cells are passive, waiting passively." While Freud deserves respect for shedding light on the deep psyche of humans,his views on female sexuality are outdated.
Male‘s orgasm can be easily achieved through penis,but for women,foreplay is equally important as the climax,because sexual fulfillment is more than just an item on a to-do list,regardless of how your sexual encounter concludes. In the sex process,women typically finish on average 8 minutes later than men.
Typically,women's bodies require more time to reach the level of arousal needed for climax orgasm,which can often be achieved through foreplay.In addition,for women to enjoy sex,or approach orgasm,vagina must be lubricated—— Just like erection,this requires blood flow to clit.If you skip the steamy foreplay,sex without lubrication typically leads to discomfort or pain.